About the culture

In Denmark, there is something that is always true, they have the culture of respect! It is impressive especially if you make a comparison with the life in France.
When we arrived, at the beginning, we were a bit lost in a new country and a new city and when we needed something we always found someone to help, almost everybody speaks English and even if they don’t they try to help. The population in Denmark is very kind and very welcoming. They are happy to see foreigners and they don’t mind speaking in English if they can.

Danish people also respect the rules and the law. For example, when we arrived we have been told a few times that we can’t cross the road when the light is red because we would have a fine of 700 DKK, which is almost 100 Euros, if we are seen by the police! Also we read that it is usual in Denmark to denounce if they see you breaking the rules. Moreover, there is not a lot of stealing problem, it is not unusual to see bike unlocked in the street. The shops expose some of their goods outside in front of the store without any watch. But people don’t steal in Denmark!
By night, Aalborg is very safe. When you go in town for having a drink we can the police going around to check the city. We have never had problems and by discussing by Danish or international people we know that it’s usual.

In class, there is a huge respect between teachers and students. They are real dialogues between both part in lectures and teachers usually ask if everything is fine. All our teachers make a feedback at the end of their lectures to know if we have suggestions to improve their courses. They are really concerned about what we think and what we want.
Also, at the end of our stay, we received a mail from one of our teacher to invite us to a “Leaving Garden Party” our last Sunday afternoon. He was inviting us in his own house to a barbecue! It was already surprising to be invited in the house of our teacher but when we arrived there we were completely agape! There were all our teachers with their children, so we were around twenty. He and his wife had prepared plenty of food all by themselves, barbecue meat, plenty of salads and cakes and they had set a nice table. And then we played little games in the garden and made some trampoline! It was like a family Sunday… but with our teachers! 
Garden Party

All of this to say that we have been really really well received in Denmark! And that we have been surprised by those people who are full of respect!


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